Posted by Additive Manufacturing UK - DiManEx, an end-to-end, AI-driven, additive manufacturing (AM) platform–based service and AMC Bridge, a global software development consultancy, announced a strategic partnership to revolutionize supply chain management, from inventory data management to 3D printing.
On-demand supply chain solution
In the present era of data-driven manufacturing, the importance of end-to-end integration and operational efficiency cannot be overstated. Unless manufacturers have all the required data and connections in the digital workflow, any benefits from AM are just as unpredictable as the physical supply chain. DiManEx has connected all these necessary parts and, together with AMC Bridge, can provide an integrated and predictable on-demand supply chain solution.
DiManEx’s AI-driven AM platform leverages machine learning–based analytics to help customers identify the right parts eligible for on-demand manufacturing and for re-engineering using the supply chain and technical data. Its analytics even provide for the business cases justifying the application and scaling of AM.
Proven track record
Complementing this, AMC Bridge, a global software development consultancy serving engineering, manufacturing, and construction industries, has a proven track record in multivendor engineering software integration, especially related to CAD, simulation, AM, and product lifecycle management (PLM) applications.
This partnership of experts will allow manufacturers to make business-driven decisions about integrating on-demand AM into their supply chain options.
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