Posted by - AMC Bridge has been a leading service provider of solutions for CAD, CAE, CAM, PDM, BIM and PLM applications since 1999. The company has developed Construction Safety—Hard-hat Detector, a new web-based technology demonstration that applies machine learning to ensure safety on construction sites.
Using machine learning and image recognition techniques of the TensorFlow open-source software library, Construction Safety—Hard-hat Detector analyzes the images extracted from an uploaded surveillance video and identifies workers who are not wearing hard hats on a construction site.
Once the video file is processed, managers can view snapshots of workers who were detected not wearing hard hats or download the snapshots locally. To ensure maximum flexibility and convenience, the functionality of Construction Safety-Hard-hat Detector is seamlessly connected to either Google Drive, Dropbox, or MEGA online storage. Images can then be downloaded to perform video analysis.
The Construction Safety-Hard-hat Detector technology offers multiple benefits. For example, managers no longer need to be on-site to ensure that workers are wearing hard hats because they can perform this task remotely. In addition, they may be able to monitor more workers or even workers at more than one site at a time. As a result, a business can ensure more continuous and consistent hard-hat wearing by more workers and achieve this goal with less labor and at lower costs.
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