RANDOLPH, NJ - AMC Bridge, a leading software solutions provider for vendors and users of CAD, CAE, CAM, PDM and PLM applications, recently released PictureToMap (Beta) - a tool that enables uploading pictures to Google Maps and pasting actual images on the surface of the map.
PictureToMap is the next generation of our 2DtoMaps Google mapplet, which was a very successful application that generated a lot of interest in the user community. Building on that success we are launching today a new tool with far more extensive and superior capabilities compared to the original mapplet, said Vadym Synakh, VP of Engineering. In addition to extending the editing capabilities, we have also added community features, to allow rating and commenting on projects submitted by users. PictureToMap offers the option of creating a personal account, where all the images and complete projects are saved in a private user archive, compared to publicly saved and accessible images and projects submitted from the general access to PictureToMap. To learn more about the tool and access PictureToMap please click here.
About AMC Bridge
AMC Bridge is a leading provider of software development services for vendors and users of CAD, CAE, CAM and PDM tools. Since 1999, the company has been delivering software solutions that improve effectiveness of product design cycle. AMC Bridge helps to reduce overhead of engineering processes by delivering software development projects that include extension, customization and automation of modeling and data management tools as well as data collaboration and interoperability solutions.